Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Ruth's journey began in the land of 'loose living' (Moab). From there she was brought to the land of 'leftovers' (gleaning in the fields). Now she is brought to the land of the 'lovingly redeemed' & 'lavishly accepted'!
However, before Boaz can redeem her another unnamed relative has to step aside. The older, mysterious relative, represents the 'religious use of the Law'. The unnamed relative is happy to redeem property but wants nothing to do with Ruth. This is a perfect picture of religion - happy to claim property, but wants nothing to do with relationship!
The unnamed relative took off his sandal signifying his release of control over Ruth. Jesus' death, burial and resurrection released us from the condemnation of the Law. We are no longer under the Law but under Grace!
We now have the privilege of intimacy with our Redeemer and from that fellowship and intimacy fruit will be produced which results in Christ coming forth.
One final observation: Ruth's journey decreased her perimeters but increased her sphere of influence. She went from a country to a city; from a city to a field; from a field to the threshing floor and from the threshing floor to a bed. However, with each new venture, her destiny was increased. Do you feel you are being restricted? Could it be the ordering of God to increase His plan for your life?
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