Divine Appointments
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Ruth chapter two teaches us about Divine Appointments or Divine Intersections. Ruth just asked Naomi to allow her to go and glean in the fields of whomsoever she might find favor. But God was already at work directing her steps to the field of Boaz (the close kinsman of Elimelech). So many principles flow from the narrative of Ruth two. (1) She had positioned herself for divine favor by sticking with Naomi when she could have turned back. Certainly there have been many opportunities for you and I to turn back up till now. But by the Grace of God we are still here! He has kept us to this moment and the reason - He desires to carry us beyond our wildest expectations! Does not the Apostle Paul state that He is the God of the "exceedingly, abundantly, above all", He does more than we ask or think (Eph 3:20)? In Luke 19 a man named Zaccheus climbed up into a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus. What he did not know was he had positioned himself for Jesus to 'see him' and a divine appointment took place that day in Zaccheus. Like Ruth and Zaccheus, we never know when the steps we are taking are the ordering of the Lord for a "Divine Intersection" to take place. (2) Boaz had already taken notice of Ruth and her kindness to her mother-in-law, Naomi. Does not our God take notice of us? "His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me", we sang when I was a young boy. Do you still believe this? His eye is on you - He has taken notice of you. (3) Not only has He taken notice of you but He has commanded your protection and provision. Boaz commanded that no one insult or violate Ruth and that she eat with the other maidservants and that more grain be given her than she gleaned that day. Jesus has promised us that if we "seek first the Kingdom of God" all the necessities of life will be given us. He "supplies all our need according to His riches in glory" (see Matt 6:33; Phil 4:19).
Divine Appointments lead to Divine Favor which in turn leads to Divine Life! And Divine or Abundant Life is what Jesus came to do for each of us (John 10:10).
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